167: Why Go Remote And How To Get Started

Today on the Expat Money Show we’re going to do something a little different. We have gone back through 2021 and we have picked out some of the best clips of the year on ‘Why Go Remote And How To Get Started’. We had some amazing guests this year so we mashed them all together to tell a story. I know you’ll really enjoy this episode.



  • Mikkel and Nimrod Dean Kuchel discuss how COVID showed everyone that remote work is possible, and how to get over limiting beliefs on becoming a digital nomad, and how easy it is to get started.
  • Marissa Meddin details the 4 ways you can become a digital nomad.
  • Listen in to hear what opportunities that people have when leaving the 9-5 job.
  • Kari DePhillips and I discuss the conscious decisions you need to make, and the steps to go remote today, instead of putting it off.
  • Do you believe that you need to reinvent yourself when you start out as a digital nomad or to work remote? Nimrod Dean Kuchel tells us why you need to shift your belief pattern.
  • Julianna Rabbi discusses why it was so important that you spend time with people that understood you and your passion to travel.
  • Marissa Meddin explains how she has helped others to overcome fears of life abroad with baby steps and how she can help you.
  • I talk to Nimrod Dean Kuchel about having the “courage” to be a digital nomad, and how it takes courage to live the “normal” life.
  • Marissa Meddin and I discuss strategies for negotiating remote work with employers, you’ll love these ideas!
  • Kari DePhillips discusses the “sunk cost fallacy” that holds many people back and how to take actionable steps towards becoming a digital nomad.
  • Marissa Meddin and I discuss how to overcome barriers with getting employers to agree to remote work.


Listen To The Full Episodes

132: The Future Of Remote Work And Digital Nomadism – Kari DePhillips 

138: Digital Nomad Life In Asia – Nimrod Dean Kuchel 

142: How To Land Your Dream Remote Job Faster – Juliana Rabbi 

149: How To Work Online So You Can Live On The Beach – Marisa Meddin



What a year we have had. I always have a great time chatting with my guests, and this episode brings together 4 amazing episodes that have something in common: being a digital nomad and working remotely. So if these topics speak to you, don’t miss this episode. 

I hope you enjoy our Best of 2021 Special episode and have a great Christmas!

About The Host, Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup; the host of The Expat Money Show, has 20+ years in continual travel around the world, visiting more than 100 countries including Colombia, North Korea, Zimbabwe and Iran.

His goal now is to help Expats just like you to generate additional streams of income, eliminate your tax bill, and take advantage of offshore structures so you can travel the world freely and never have to worry about money again.

Follow Mikkel Thorup on Social Media:

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