4 Common Problems You Might Face As An Expat

setup an offshore company

Wrapping up all your business operations, transferring all your funds abroad, packing your belongings and flying to another country or continent can be a mind-boggling experience. But you’re not alone! Millions of businessmen, disappointed by their domestic tax reforms, take this bold step of becoming expatriates for life and set up an offshore company or find…

6 Reasons To Take Your Company Offshore


Running a successful business has become difficult. Corporate taxes, high wages, lack of skilled labour, political and economic instability drive companies toward losses. Instead of enabling the business people of their country, governmental bodies make their existence challenging. Due to unfavourable conditions, many businesses file bankruptcy or wrap up their operations and move to another…

What to Consider Before Opening Your Business HQ in The UAE

Opening Your Business

The UAE is the place to be if you want to make a profitable business investment. It’s the global hub for businesses around the world. Although the country is known as the 7th largest oil & natural gas producer, 71 percent of its GDP thrives on healthcare, tourism, construction, aviation, and other (non-oil) industries. You can…