150: Half a Year Living in Florianopolis, Brazil – Complete Update – Mikkel Thorup

Today’s guest on the Expat Money Show is me, Mikkel Thorup 🙂 Over the past 5 years, I’ve tried my best to do the milestone episodes for the podcast. Episode #50, #100 and now we are celebrating episode #150.
I’m so excited to be here, statistics say that something like 80% of new podcasts don’t make it past episode 7, and honestly, we’ve never been stronger. More and more people are listening to our show and recently we started a new YouTube channel and we have a Facebook group called Expat Money Forum. Each day we get new subscribers and listeners and I’m thrilled to be able to help so many people.
- Big changes to the Friendly Nations Visa in Panama and why it’s important to listen to the professionals when it comes to immigration processes.
- What’s next for Panama? Is it still a great place to buy real estate? and is living tax-free at the top of living a free life!
- Brazil: freedom, food and safety. Why living in one of the safest areas of Brazil has been one of the most interesting times as a family!
- Did we mention Food; Churrasco… Mikkel talks about having an indoor BBQ in his home and enjoying some of the best meat ever, being one of the highlights of living in Brazil.
- Listen in as Mikkel talks about buying real estate in one of the most beautiful places in Brazil and having the ability to walk out your back door to some of the best beaches in the world.
- Cost of living in Brazil, you will be pleasantly surprised!
- Children, how quickly they adapt to the language, food and surroundings and why you shouldn’t fear their ability to make these changes.
- The truth about government-run schools, the damage that can be done by forcing your children to attend and how a new expat international school based on Socratic ideas can change your children’s lives forever.
- Heading home to Panama and the work that lays ahead of us, and how excited we are to be going home!
- 144: How To Raise Your Children To Be Multilingual – Sarah Tarvin
- 131: Travelling To Brazil During The Pandemic – Mikkel Thorup
- 115: The Solution To Educating Your Children Abroad – Michael Strong
- Our new YouTube channel, subscribe here: ExpatMoneyShow.com/youtube
- Facebook Group: ExpatMoneyForum.com
- Buy my book: ExpatSecretsBook.com – profits get reinvested back into the podcast to pay for the editors and to make the show.
If you’d been receiving the EMS Pulse newsletter and the weekly Expat Sunday Times, you would have already read the basics of today’s story! Sign up now, and you’ll also receive my FREE special report, “Plan B Residencies and Instant Citizenships.”
What an amazing 5 years in this business. Honestly, I never would have guessed the impact Expat Money Show would have on so many people around the world. Every day someone reaches out to me for assistance. It’s been a very rewarding experience, for sure. And I want to thank every single one of you for trusting me and believing in the work we do here.
I’m looking forward to the next 5 years. With our FB group growing and our YouTube channel as a hit, I know we’ll be here for many years to come.