252: Spit In The Eye Of The Globalists – Tom Luongo

Tom Luongo interviewed by Mikkel Thorup on The Expat Money Show Podcast

Today’s guest is Tom Luongo, a former research chemist turned geopolitical and market analyst. He is the publisher of the Gold, Goats ‘N Guns newsletter, as well as the host of the podcast by the same name.  This was an absolute blast of a conversation covering various freedom-related topics, and I know you’ll love it. …

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209: Nomad Mastery: Kristin Wilson’s Guide to Long-Term Travel

Kristin Wilson interviewed by Mikkel Thorup on Digital Nomad Life

Today’s guest is Kristin Wilson, known by her YouTube name, Traveling With Kristin, and is an expert on living the digital nomad lifestyle.  Kristin is the author of Digital Nomads for Dummies and hosts the top-rated podcast Badass Digital Nomads, with over 250,000 downloads in 170+ countries.    TODAY’S CONVERSATION WITH KRISTIN Before the pandemic…

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