Posts by Mikkel Thorup
220: Marc Faber – Buying Asian Investments & Currencies On The Cheap
Today’s guest on the Expat Money Show is Marc Faber, Editor and Publisher of the ‘’Gloom, Boom & Doom Report.’’ Born in Zurich, Switzerland, he studied Economics at the University of Zurich and, at the age of 24, obtained a Ph.D. in Economics magna cum laude. In 1990, he set up his business, publishing a…
Listen to Episode219: Far from Home: Handling the Death of Loved Ones as an Expat
In this episode, I want to discuss a topic I have never talked about before on the show, it is not a happy topic, but I believe it is an important topic, and I hope it might help someone out there from my audience.
Listen to Episode218: Powering the Future: Nick Giambruno on Energy and Bitcoin
Nick Giambruno is a renowned speculator and international investor. He’s the Founder of The Financial Underground and Editor in Chief of its premium investment research publication, Contra Speculator. Nick travels the world searching for lucrative investment opportunities in overlooked markets and is known for spotting geopolitical and economic trends early. TODAY’S CONVERSATION WITH NICK…
Listen to Episode217: Guarding Your Digital Footprint: Privacy Tips from Terry Tillaart
Terry Tillaart is a proponent of private, decentralized, sound money, a crypto enthusiast, a privacy advocate and a regular speaker at international freedom conferences. MY DISCUSSION WITH TERRY TILLAART Today’s conversation with Terry Tillaart focuses on how we should be looking at ways to seek absolute freedom in our lives. Why is freedom important?…
Listen to Episode216: Rediscover Freedom: Marc Clair’s Mexican Adventure Revisited
Marc Clair and I discuss his expat journey, leaving Los Angeles, where he had lived for more than a decade, to live in Mexico City. We discuss the struggles and craziness of dealing with the Mexican government to get residency and in the USA to get a green card for his wife and stepson. Enjoy!
Listen to Episode215: The Countdown Begins: Exciting Updates & Summit Sneak Peek
Today on the Expat Money Show, I want to update you, my faithful listeners, on what you can expect from the Expat Money Summit that starts next Monday, November 7, until the 11th. I don’t want anyone to miss out on learning how you can secure your new life abroad. HERE ARE SOME OF…
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