237: A Different World: Jonathan Lockwood’s Mexican Relocation Amidst Global Madness

Jonathan Lockwood is a pro voice over talent originally from Detroit and currently living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. He now spends his spare time venturing deep into the Mexican countryside and finding amazing artisanal mezcal.
I enjoyed getting to know Jonathan and you are going to learn a ton from this conversation.
- Listen in to hear Jon share the story of how he grew up in an apocalyptic religious cult and how he “woke up” from the brainwashing, which helped him to see that things are not always as they seem.
- Jon describes how foreseeing the forthcoming fiscal nightmare in the United States led him to explore other options outside of his home country.
- Hear Jon describe the striking similarities with how politics created divisiveness in families over the last several years to his own experience rejecting the beliefs his family had raised him to hold.
- We dig into our shared belief that it’s important not to condemn others for being behind where you are at any given moment in life.
- Then we discuss how Jon wound up choosing San Miguel de Allende, Mexico as his home, where he now lives with his wife and their daughter.
- Learn what Jon views as the surprising advantage of living in a country with an extremely inefficient government.
- Jon relays a hilarious experience he had when he first attempted to speak Spanish upon arriving in Mexico – he had me stitches!
- We discuss the concept of “stacking freedom” as opposed to trying to find a “Shangri-La”, and how not to become paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision.
- Jon goes into detail describing the “melting pot” city of San Miguel de Allende, and how the locals have responded to the always-growing expat community there. You’ll be wanting to book your trip to San Miguel after hearing this!
- Then we discuss how Jonathan developed a passion for artisanal Mezcal that he sources from “the Disneyland of Mezcal” in Oaxaca, Mexico. I learned so much about Mezcal that I never knew before!
234: I Wrote a New Book on Moving to Mexico
213: From The Bay Area To Mexico an Expat Story – Ken
170: Searching For Freedom In Mexico – Marc Clair
Inspired by Jonathan’s story to look further into Mexico? Get your own copy of the Expats Guide on Moving to Mexico and after you read the book, do us a HUGE favour and leave us a great review on Amazon! This is a huge help in getting the book in front of more people.
Jonathan’s voiceover website: https://jonathanlockwood.com
The Mezcal Maniac Substack: https://mezcalmaniac.substack.com/
I had an absolute blast getting to know Jonathan and his story. His journey is such an excellent example of the kind of opportunities that can open for you when you begin to look at the world in a different way and decide to take the leap into the expat lifestyle. See you all next Wednesday on the podcast!
We travelled to San Miguel de Allende and were blown away at what a clean, safe, and inexpensive town it is to live in. City government goes out of the way to keep their 30% expat community happy.
Nice meals for a couple for $20. Young people polite and well-mannered. Crime very low. So many Mexican residents speak English!
Instead of having huge houses, the moneyed expats have beautiful dwellings with woodcarving, artistic tile design, and striking landscaping.
The only negative to me was the very dry climate. You don’t even need a towel after showering, the dry air dries you so fast!