130: Navigating Travel to Costa Rica Amid the Pandemic – Mikkel Thorup

Today’s guest on The Expat Money Show is Mikkel Thorup. Many of us want to get back to travelling, and seeing the world, but with Covid and tests and vaccines, no one is really sure about where to go and how to get there.
In this episode, Mikkel discusses Costa Rica During The Pandemic. What was required to leave Panama and enter Costa Rica and how his 3-week trip went.
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- In planning their big trip to Brazil, his trip to Costa Rica had to come first, why?
- What were the airports like during covid?
- Do you need to do tests entering or exiting the countries?
- How immigration and security were handled leaving Panama
- What was it like going through immigration in Costa Rica
- Documents required when travelling with a child in Latin America (important)
- Travel Insurance and Health Pass to enter Costa Rica
- What does San Jose look like during Covid? Were masks worn? Lockdowns? Mandates?
- Visiting the Brazilian embassy in Costa Rica for visas
- Two weeks in a beautiful ocean resort and all the amazing adventures Mikkel went on
- Meeting friends and making their way to one of the most beautiful resorts on the coast of Costa Rica – Hotel Three-sixty
- Hiring a private yacht – swimming with dolphins, whale watching, turtles, hiking, bird watching, large mammals
- Costa Rica is open, don’t be afraid to travel!
- Share this episode with a friend, we’re on a mission to share this with the world, go out there and live your life.
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- 116: How To Move To Panama Or Use It As Your Plan-B Residency – Mikkel Thorup
- 129: How To Move To Saipan Without A Visa Or Even A Passport – Vin Armani
- Follow Mikkel on Twitter @ThorupMikkel
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In this episode, I am open and honest about what our trip was like to Costa Rica to get ready for our big trip to Brazil. Please make sure to tune in next week when I tell you all about travelling to Brazil during the pandemic, I promise to not disappoint!