267: Armenia Trip Report

Expat Money Show Ep. 267: Armenia Trip Report

Today I am bringing you part three of my series, breaking down my experience in each of the four countries I visited on my recent trip. I already discussed Turkey and Georgia in recent episodes – be sure to go back and check those reports out as well. 

This week, I’ll discuss my time spent in the interesting country of Armenia. Does this country have the potential for expats? You’ll get all my thoughts in today’s episode. 



  • Tune in to hear how my initial first impression after taking the train into Armenia was quickly flipped around after I ventured downtown Yerevan.
  • Hear about the HUGE difference I noticed right away that put Armenia a notch above Georgia.
  • As with the Georgia episode, you’ll once again have to hear me rave about the incredible food. Which country’s food did I rank higher in the end?
  • Learn how I found Armenia to be more business-oriented and entrepreneurial than neighbouring Azerbaijan – which I’ll elaborate on in next week’s episode.
  • Listen for an inside look at my visit to a building site. How did the conditions hold up compared to the first world?
  • I give my take from the ground on how the geopolitics involving the war in Ukraine have affected the situation in Armenia. 
  • Find out how friendly I found the people in Armenia to be towards visitors compared with Georgia.
  • Learn how the Armenian genocide and the on-again, off-again war with Azerbaijan affect the country’s people to this day.
  • Hear my final verdict on all aspects of Armenia for expats, from banking to the cost of living to the political situation. 



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266: Is Georgia A Good Plan B Location For Expats?

263; How To Get.A Turkish Passport

180: Residency and Citizenship Updates – Mikkel Thorup



That does it for Part 2 of my trip report, and I hope you all learned a lot about Armenia, a country that really goes under the radar. It’s a lovely place and one certainly worth visiting at a minimum. But it does bring a lot of baggage as far as a Plan-B location for expats goes, many of which concern the geopolitical situation and the constant problem with its’ neighbour, Azerbaijan.

Well, Azerbaijan just happened to be the next stop on my trip, and it will be the subject of next week’s episode of the Expat Money Show. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it, and I’ll see you next week!

About The Host, Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup; the host of The Expat Money Show, has 20+ years in continual travel around the world, visiting more than 100 countries including Colombia, North Korea, Zimbabwe and Iran.

His goal now is to help Expats just like you to generate additional streams of income, eliminate your tax bill, and take advantage of offshore structures so you can travel the world freely and never have to worry about money again.

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