119: How Children Adapt to an Expat Lifestyle – Jessica & Will Sueiro

Today’s guests on the Expat Money Show are Jessica & Will Sueiro. Since 2014 they have been travelling the world – one hometown at a time. Together with their free-spirited children, Avalon and Largo, the family have visited 70 countries in their quest to provide a global education for their children, while building a deeper bond as a family.
- It took them 7 years from the start of the idea of becoming full-time travellers to actually being on the road.
- We talk a lot about what schools look like in other countries. How the children handled not being able to speak the native language and being on the playground and being able to fit in.
- Living full time in Costa Rica, Ecuador and in France. What did that look like? Was it easy to make friends? Did you love it or hate it?
- Avalon asking to be homeschooled and how well she is doing today. As a 16-year-old she has 2 online businesses. Find out what they are and how they came to be.
- The Sueiros’ have been travelling non-stop for 6 years. What are the kids like today? are they empathetic? kind, funny? what does moving from country to country do to a child?
- Will & Jess talk about how they broke into the community! you won’t believe it!
- Mikkel & Jess talk about doing the ‘hard things’ in life.
- Then what did they do?……..
- They rented a 21 1/2′ motor home. Small yes..cozy, for sure. They travelled all through Europe, crazy to hear these stories.
- What are they doing today? and if you’ve wanted to travel, leave your home country and see the world, this episode is a must for you. You’ll love it!
- After four months locked down on the dock in France, they finally get to take their sailing lessons. They will set sail for Greece (from France) on March 1st.
- And here are their social channels:
- www.youtube.com/worldtowning
- www.facebook.com/worldtowning
- www.instagram.com/worldtowning
- 078: Brandon Pearce -Travelling the Globe World Schooling your Children
- 098: Sixty Home Swaps In 3 Years Of Non-Stop Travel With 4 Kids In Tow – Daniel Prince
- 109: How To Find Freedom And Travel Like A Boss – Johnny FD
If you’d been receiving the EMS Pulse newsletter and the weekly Expat Sunday Times, you would have already read the basics of today’s story! Sign up now, and you’ll also receive my FREE special report, “Plan B Residencies and Instant Citizenships.”
Well, as most of you know, I love talking about education. Worldschooling, homeschooling, unschooling… It’s just so great to talk with like-minded people. What they, as a family have achieved is remarkable.
If you want to experience a trip with them, I really urge you to view some of their YouTube videos, watch how they live their lives, it’s truly amazing. Their lives have been profoundly changed by travel, mine too! I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed chatting with Will & Jess.