295: Offbeat Escapes: Exploring Contrarian Plan-B Locations – Brian Greco

Has your inner contrarian been nagging you to explore some offbeat Plan B expat locations? Today’s episode is just for you, as I welcome my good friend Brian Greco to the show. Brian is a world traveller, market researcher, and internationalization author who specializes in exploring lesser-known destinations and finding unique and compelling lifestyle opportunities across the Middle East, Eurasia, Eastern Europe, and more.



  • Learn how Brian first discovered that the expat life opens up countless opportunities – and how helping others on the journey became a personal passion of his.
  • Uncover the concept Brian refers to as “medium-term travel” – having multiple bases from which to explore the world, and why this concept is so much more accessible to people than being a pure “digital nomad.”
  • Hear Brian and I agree on the value of “slowing down” while travelling and staying in a certain place long enough to start learning the cultural intricacies. 
  • How long does it take to “get to know” a city? Brian’s expert insights will give you an idea of how long it takes for a city to become familiar.
  • Discover the reasons Brian has settled on the Eurasia region—including Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa—as his primary focus.
  • What’s the difference between “hard freedom” and “soft freedom?” Learn how Brian uses these concepts as filters to make judgements about how a particular region might meet one’s particular needs. 
  • Unlock Brian’s #1 “word to the wise” about how to stay sane and maintain a semblance of personal space while living in a bustling city that never sleeps.
  • Learn about my superpower—the one key attribute that sets me apart from others when it comes to travelling and living in new places.
  • Hear Brian lay out his view of the BRICS nation as not so much a military alliance or even an economic alliance as a greater move away from American/European hegemony around the world.
  • Lastly, you’ll hear Brian break down which countries in Eurasia he plans to explore and which he is the most excited to return to.



Follow Brian Greco on X @GrecoGlobal

Follow Brian Greco on Instagram



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276: Mikkel’s Travel Chronicles: 2023’s Unforgettable Adventures

266: Is Georgia A Good Plan B Location For Expats?

233: The Price Of Mobility: Acquiring A Turkish Passport Through Investment



It was so great sitting down with my friend Brian Greco on the podcast after knowing him for some time now. Brian brings such a unique perspective on not just where to travel but also through his own personal filter – his “spiritual” view of being an expat if you will. 

See you all next Wednesday!

About The Host, Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup; the host of The Expat Money Show, has 20+ years in continual travel around the world, visiting more than 100 countries including Colombia, North Korea, Zimbabwe and Iran.

His goal now is to help Expats just like you to generate additional streams of income, eliminate your tax bill, and take advantage of offshore structures so you can travel the world freely and never have to worry about money again.

Follow Mikkel Thorup on Social Media:

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