279: Doug Casey’s Crystal Ball: Predictions for 2024 Unveiled

This interview is with my friend and mentor, the great Doug Casey. In this conversation, Doug polishes his crystal ball and gives his thoughts on what we can expect to see in 2024 when it comes to the economy, geopolitics, and the prospect of World War Three. This is an absolute can’t-miss discussion!



  • Listen in to hear why Doug believes the chance of a return to the “pre-Covid hysteria” normal is “close to zero.”
  • Learn why Doug believes we have already embarked on what he refers to as the “Greater Depression.”
  • Find out what Doug sees unfolding with the BRICS nations. Will they successfully create their own non-dollarized currency? 
  • Learn why Doug believes that, ultimately, only a gold-backed currency can replace the dollar.
  • Hear Doug’s take on CBDCs and whether governments will attempt to use them in their own quest to replace the dollar. 
  • Discover what other commodities Doug is bullish on going into 2024. You do NOT want to miss Doug’s expert insights here!
  • Listen to Doug’s bone-chilling thoughts on how new types of warfare  – be they cyber or biowarfare – may become more commonplace than conventional warfare.
  • Doug and I discuss the concept of evil in the world and why we both no longer believe that most of our global issues unfold out of pure ignorance and stupidity. 
  • Where is Doug Casey putting his own money? Find out what Doug is doing within his own portfolio heading into 2024.
  • Lastly, Doug shares his thoughts on what areas of the world he believes will be safest in the event of World War Three.



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275: Gold, Inflation and the Banking Crisis: The Outlook for 2024 – Peter Schiff

261: Preparing Your Investments for the Coming Recession – Rick Rule

250: Celebrating Success: Key Takeaways From Expat Money’s Finest Discussions



It was a pure pleasure conducting this interview with Doug Casey, someone I have looked up to for a long time and, in recent years, have grown to know even better as a friend and mentor. Doug is as real as it gets and pulls no punches when it comes to his predictions. 

As we discussed in the episode, many of Doug’s predictions from our first conversation six years ago have, in fact, come true, and we would all be wise to listen to what he foresees in 2024 and beyond.

About The Host, Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup; the host of The Expat Money Show, has 20+ years in continual travel around the world, visiting more than 100 countries including Colombia, North Korea, Zimbabwe and Iran.

His goal now is to help Expats just like you to generate additional streams of income, eliminate your tax bill, and take advantage of offshore structures so you can travel the world freely and never have to worry about money again.

Follow Mikkel Thorup on Social Media:


  1. Harry on 01/17/2024 at 2:58 PM

    Awesome interview. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insight into what is happening in the world and steps to take to stay financially and physically “safe”

    • Mikkel Thorup on 01/19/2024 at 11:54 PM


  2. John Hendrickson on 01/17/2024 at 6:40 PM

    Thank You. Big fan of Doug Casey

    • Mikkel Thorup on 01/19/2024 at 11:54 PM

      Thanks for listening

  3. Bitcoin Poems on 01/18/2024 at 5:18 PM

    I don’t think gold. Bitcoiner here so I come from that perspective. Gold was the best we had but hardly anybody uses gold as money. They use certificates on top of gold which can be debased by making more. Bitcoin is more portable and divisible and more easily verified. How do you send one dollar of gold across the internet. How do you take it across a border when you need to flee

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