209: Nomad Mastery: Kristin Wilson’s Guide to Long-Term Travel

Today’s guest is Kristin Wilson, known by her YouTube name, Traveling With Kristin, and is an expert on living the digital nomad lifestyle.
Kristin is the author of Digital Nomads for Dummies and hosts the top-rated podcast Badass Digital Nomads, with over 250,000 downloads in 170+ countries.
- Before the pandemic and after the pandemic. How lives have changed, for the good and the bad. Listen as Kristin walks us through what life was like in Miami, Florida, during the past few years and where travels will take her in 2023.
- What should you do next when it’s time to move on, leave your comfort zone, and start travelling? Where are some really great places to travel to?
- Kristin shares the top ways to choose a location that’s perfect for you.
- Are you a snow junkie? Like to put snowboarding at the top of your list but don’t know where to go as a digital nomad? I chat with Kristin about our favourite countries to visit during the winter months. I know you’ll want to hear what countries she likes best.
- Interesting conversation about World Schooling ourselves, not just our kids. What interests you, and where can you tick the boxes while travelling the world?
- Being purposeful about geography, culture and religion, finding your hotspot. I’m super excited about this for my own children; listen in, especially if you have kids or are planning on having a family.
- In your business and travel experiences, do you focus on lowering your cost of living? Or focus on raising the top end; how much money you can spend on things? Which do you relate to?? It’s such an interesting concept.
- I give away some really top ideas on how to perform better, be more successful and be considerably happier, even though I work like crazy! Don’t miss this part!
- What can your life look like when you stop hoarding every dollar you make? Being open and free and abundant with it. Especially when you live in a country with a lower cost of living.
- If you want to be a digital nomad, if you want to be an expat, if you want to travel and live overseas and explore all these places, then do it now. Make sure to listen to this entire episode. If my chat with Kristin doesn’t move the needle, I’m not sure what will.
Digital Nomads For Dummies – Step-by-step guide on how to become location independent
YouTube Traveling With Kristin
096: How To Be A Digital Nomad – Kristin Wilson
133: How to Find Cheap Flights To See The World On A Budget – Jen Ruiz
149: How To Work Online So You Can Live On The Beach – Marisa Meddin
Over the past 7 years of podcasting, I’ve only had 1 or 2 guests back on, and Kristin is one of them. I have found Kristin to be a pro at what she does and what she is able to accomplish in her life as an expat.
I’ve included podcast #96 some 120 episodes ago; time seems to fly when you’re an expat travelling the world.
Please listen to this episode if you’ve thought about becoming an expat. I know you’ll love it.