118: Mikkel Thorup – Real-Life Solutions for Living Overseas for Freedom and Prosperity

Today’s guest on the Expat Money Show is Mikkel Thorup. Recently I was interviewed on The Brian Nichols Show and it was such a great interview that I wanted to share with you what it’s like to be on the other side of the podcast microphone. This time around Brian asks the questions and I get to answer them.
- Objections – how can I live this expat lifestyle and debunk them
- Brand new president
- I’m not going to live in this country anymore
- Escape Artist and Expat Money Show
- Help Americans and Canadians to move overseas
- Move them…or their businesses overseas
- Real advantages of living in other countries
- Especially from the USA, looking for freedom and real-life solutions
- Not just ideas, wishful thinking, these are real-life things you can put in your life right now
- How to be problem solvers, how to help people
- What is our belief system?
- I thought I was in control…I was wrong!
- Different jurisdictions, advantages; disadvantages; local tax requirements; how do we stay legal; tax-efficient manner; that’s the stuff that I geek out on and help people today
- Individual sovereignty, personal responsibility
- If you believe that ‘tax’ is theft, what are you doing about it? or that war is murder
- Where could you live
- Other problems: taxes will be raised, gift exemption going down, California is tracking people and wants their portion of income tax
- The legality of the election
- People don’t feel safe, being targeted or feel wanted
- What are the solutions? What is the plan?
- What about culture, moving your entire life and family to a foreign country?
- What about my job?
- Have a plan in place
- And more!
- 116: How To Move To Panama Or Use It As Your Plan-B Residency – Mikkel Thorup
- 110: How To Move To Ecuador Complete Master Class – Marcos Chiluisa
- 098: Sixty Home Swaps In 3 Years Of Non-Stop Travel With 4 Kids In Tow – Daniel Prince
If you’d been receiving the EMS Pulse newsletter and the weekly Expat Sunday Times, you would have already read the basics of today’s story! Sign up now, and you’ll also receive my FREE special report, “Plan B Residencies and Instant Citizenships.”
I really enjoy being interviewed on other podcasts. This is the 2nd time for The Brian Nichols Show and I’m sure it won’t be the last. People every day are coming to be wanting, needing, to leave the USA or Canada, or any other country for that matter. They need solutions. Real-life solutions and my job is to listen, and then figure out a plan that works for everyone. Maybe in next month, next year, a 5-year plan, but we work together and make it happen.
If you are in need of information, please reach out to me here at The Expat Money Show. I’ll be happy to set up a meeting and start mapping out what’s important for you and your family for your future.