253: Where To Go If We Have World War III – Dave DeCamp

Dave DeCamp interviewed by Mikkel Thorup on The Expat Money Show Podcast

Today’s guest is the news editor over at Antiwar dot com and host of the daily podcast Antiwar News with Dave DeCamp. In this episode, we will be discussing the geopolitical situation as we head into a possible World War III scenario. While it’s not the cheeriest of subjects, this is a necessary conversation to…

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218: Powering the Future: Nick Giambruno on Energy and Bitcoin

Nick Giambruno interviewed by Mikkel Thorup on The Expat Money Show

Nick Giambruno is a renowned speculator and international investor. He’s the Founder of The Financial Underground and Editor in Chief of its premium investment research publication, Contra Speculator. Nick travels the world searching for lucrative investment opportunities in overlooked markets and is known for spotting geopolitical and economic trends early.   TODAY’S CONVERSATION WITH NICK…

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