129: How to Move to Spain Without a Visa or Passport – Vin Armani

Today’s guest on the Expat Money Show is Vin Armani, a philosopher, serial tech-entrepreneur, and CryptoSavage. He was co-founder of CoinText and is the author of several Bitcoin payment protocols. He is the author of three books and a highly regarded public speaker on topics of liberty and cryptocurrency. He has recently moved from mainland USA to live on the little island of Saipan, a commonwealth of the United States in the Western Pacific Ocean.
- Why you should stop everything and consider leaving mainland USA for a tiny overseas territory in the middle of the Pacific.
- Why TODAY is the best time in history to be a Digital Nomad and how to stay ahead of the curve.
- What is the one thing that made Saipan so attractive that Vin Armani would drop everything to move his family there in the middle of a pandemic?
- Vin’s secret to dealing with the Expat lifestyle and how to make the transition stress-free and easy.
- What were the 3 biggest challenges of moving to an overseas territory and how to be prepared before you leave?
- How to legally pay NO Taxes to the US federal government living in Saipan
- How did Saipan deal with lockdowns and covid? (HINT: it was a lot freer than in the continental USA)
- Mikkel and Vin talk about the culture in Saipan, Mexico and Panama. Doing a little comparison with the Latin culture.
- As Vin would say; Don’t go there to escape, you’re not fleeing, go there so that you can help to build, be valuable to them, be a contributor, don’t just be a taker.
- 109: How To Find Freedom And Travel Like A Boss – Johnny FD
- 093: Why Are People Leaving The USA – Travis Luther
- 042: Matt Javit – International Award Winning Sales Executive Leaves It All Behind To Travel The World
- Cryptofrontier.org movement in Saipan
- @vinarmani
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Such a fun conversation with Vin today, I love talking with like-minded individuals about freedom and how to achieve it. Vin and I have both been guests on the Lions of Liberty Podcast multiple times with my good friend Marc Clair. Vin’s famous line in both appearances: pack your shit and go!
Excellent! Inspiring as always. I want to pack my bags now. ¡Aprecio muchísimo la información!
Thanks very much Roberto, appreciate that
How do you turn down the volume!!!????
All audio levels are professionally balanced by my audio technician and are correct. Your volume has to be done on your device, I have no control over your device, sorry Stephen
One of THE BEST episodes in this podcast ever!!!
After listening this one, go to Lions of Liberty and listen to “How to survive the Dim Age”. Such a meaningful insight, makes the puzzle pieces click together.
I have taken action and established one place outside of my country where I can go and live. During last year it unfortunately took the side that is not in line with my views. So I am out again scouting for more free places.
Thanks very much, so glad you enjoyed the episode. And yes listened to that episode myself on Lions, excellent work they do
I’m curious about Mr. Armani’s experience with the Free State project. The aim was to turn the State into a libertarian enclave, but the opposite seems to be occurring. How come?
You should hit him on Twitter and see what he says, his account is well worth a follow
I’m appreciating the freedom and culture I have in Atlantic Canada. I wonder when we can start to control the weather? LOL
I am sure government will try one day…
After several blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos, expat tax books, 2 offshore symposiums and 2 professional consultations, etc., I still can’t figure out how to reduce taxes much beyond FEIE. Just picked up our Panamanian FNVs this month and planning to leave the US next year once we complete breaking ties with the California Tax Franchise Board. My husband will keep his current job and continue to work remotely as he’s done for several years. I’m guessing the only way is for him to quit a job he loves.