301: Beyond The Backyard: Investing In Brazil’s Beachfront

Beyond The Backyard: Investing In Brazil's Beachfront

The prime beachside developments I unveiled in this past weekend’s webinar, along with my friend John Palumbo, have already demonstrated to me first-hand that they are cash flow machines. I am thrilled to be now able to share this opportunity with my audience. 

Not to spoil the surprise, but we sold out the project live on the call. However, I worked with the developer to take a few more units for our community. If you want to secure a unit, please send an email directly to expat@beachfrontoffers.com. These will definitely not last long, and this presentation will come down once they are gone.

So grab your spouse or significant other and tune into this presentation; this could be a game-changer for yourself and your family.



  • Why venture out of the backyard? John explains why savvy investors are looking beyond their home country for cash flow and capital appreciation. 
  • Uncover South America’s “best-kept secret” – a region primed to generate a continuous cash flow with the right investments. 
  • Do you need to speak Portuguese to navigate Brazil? Hear from John and Mikkel’s experience in the country. 
  • Why now? Learn about the economic conditions that make investing in the Fortaleza area a no-brainer right now!
  • Find out why this region is in the sweet spot for achieving both immediate cash flow and long-term capital appreciation. 
  • What does it really mean to be “ahead of the curve,” and how do you know when you are too late? 
  • Learn every detail about the Fortaleza region and the specific properties themselves, down to the floor plan (a great reason to watch this one on YouTube).
  • Are you interested in pursuing a Brazilian residency? Learn how this deal can be structured so that you also qualify to become a permanent resident of Brazil at the same time. 
  • Discover “JP’s Blueprint,” a strategy for building a global war chest of short-term vacation rental homes. 
  • Do you want a “traditional retirement plan” or a “Freedom Retirement Plan”? Act now and start on the path to freedom.



As I mentioned above, this deal sold out on the call, but I’ve been able to secure another set of units for my subscribers. Rest assured, these will not last, so if you’re interested, email expat@beachfrontoffers.com right away.



If you are an American and have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), contact our partner Matt by email at m.calhoun@trustetc.com to fill out an application and start taking control of your retirement today. Tell him Mikkel Thorup sent you, and he’ll get you started immediately. 



Subscribe to our Brazilian Beachfront newsletter to stay updated on more emerging beachfront real estate opportunities there, and visit our brand-new Brazilian Beachfront website to discover more about Brazil and its real estate market.



292: From IRA To International: Investing In Foreign Real Estate With Self-Directed IRAs

242: De-Dollarization and a BRICS Commodity-Backed Reserve Currency

205: From California to Brazil An Expat Story – Travis



As I mentioned in last week’s 300th episode, one thing I want to focus more and more of my time on is the international real estate side of things. I love helping people plan their lives and get second passports, but what really excites me is looking at the big picture and finding ways to protect your hard-earned wealth and help you build a fortune. Developing a portfolio of cash-flowing international properties is the number one way to grow your wealth as banks fail, currencies inflate, and stocks potentially fall off a cliff. 

John Palumbo is among the many brilliant people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting through this podcast. He is the world’s foremost expert on investing in Brazilian real estate. I was thrilled to get this special offer done for my audience, and as we found out live on the call, these extra units I have secured will go fast. Email us now at expat@beachfrontoffers.com to secure yours immediately. 

About The Host, Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup; the host of The Expat Money Show, has 20+ years in continual travel around the world, visiting more than 100 countries including Colombia, North Korea, Zimbabwe and Iran.

His goal now is to help Expats just like you to generate additional streams of income, eliminate your tax bill, and take advantage of offshore structures so you can travel the world freely and never have to worry about money again.

Follow Mikkel Thorup on Social Media:

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