083: Fast Track to Fluency: Language Learning Secrets – Olly Richards

Olly Richards interviewed by Mikkel Thorup on The Expat Money Show

In this brilliant interview with Olly Richards from I Will Teach You A Language we find out that he has travelled the world and taught himself eight foreign languages.  You may be asking yourself these questions: Can I learn a foreign language? Is Spanish easy to learn? and how can I learn a second language?

Listen in to this amazing interview with Olly Richards, he is going to answer all of these questions and more!



  • Languages Olly Richards Speaks: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Cantonese, Arabic, some German and Thai.
  • Love of Language: Olly’s journey began with French, followed by Spanish and Portuguese. Japanese was his most challenging language.
  • Learning Multiple Languages: Discussion on motivations and methods for learning languages, overcoming limiting beliefs about language learning.
  • Limiting Beliefs Debunked:
    • Anyone can learn a second language.
    • Non-native speakers can learn Mandarin.
    • Children can learn multiple languages without confusion.
    • Believing in a bad memory can hinder learning.
  • How to Learn a Language: Olly’s courses use storytelling as an effective method. Start with basic courses and practice regularly.
  • Spanish Learning: Recommendations for Olly’s Spanish courses and the importance of practicing with native speakers.
  • Practical Tips: Use online resources like iTalki, practice in real-world settings, and stay motivated to continuously improve.



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This was truly a fascinating and interesting interview with Olly Richards from I Will Teach You A Language. This is the longest interview at 1 hour and 43 minutes because there was so much to learn. I’ve tried to learn Mandarin for 4 years and have been unsuccessful, now I know why. I learned to speak fluent Spanish in 3 months, how did I do that and not Mandarin? Olly explains why.

As we’ve mentioned earlier on, the question really is can I learn to speak a foreign language, and the answer is a resounding YES! Please listen in if you’ve struggled with other courses and books and not had any success in moving forward. Maybe you just have not had the right learning tools for you. Give Olly’s course a try. If all else has failed, what have you got to lose? And if you are just starting out and you are starting at ground zero, this is the best language product I’ve come across. For 4 years I’ve tried cue cards and Mandarin dictionaries and they have not worked. This is the course for me and I hope you’ll take the time and wander through Olly’s website and sign up.

Please leave me a comment below and let me know if you have any questions for Olly or myself regarding the learning curve and what to expect. I’ll keep you posted on how my wife, daughter and mother make out taking Spanish Uncovered and the progress they all make in Panama.


About The Host, Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup; the host of The Expat Money Show, has 20+ years in continual travel around the world, visiting more than 100 countries including Colombia, North Korea, Zimbabwe and Iran.

His goal now is to help Expats just like you to generate additional streams of income, eliminate your tax bill, and take advantage of offshore structures so you can travel the world freely and never have to worry about money again.

Follow Mikkel Thorup on Social Media:


  1. Sean on 12/29/2021 at 8:43 PM

    Moving to small city in Quebec from US. In age of COVID restrictions, what are some good ways to learn French?

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