076: Navigating Tech Startups and Corruption In Africa – Marek Zmyslowski

Marek Zmyslowski interviewed by Mikkel Thorup on The Expat Money Show

Marek Zmyslowski is a Polish-born entrepreneur and executive, focused on online businesses in Frontier and Emerging Markets. He co-founded HotelOnline.co – a Hospitality Technology Company, and Jumia Travel – Africa’s Biggest Hotel Booking Portal, with backing from Rocket Internet and Goldman Sachs.



  • Lagos, Nigeria: Largest city with 21 million people, known for its financial center, beach resorts, and cultural landmarks
  • Marek Zmyslowski: Moved from Poland to Lagos in 2013 to start a business
  • Challenges: Dealing with rampant corruption and gaining acceptance
  • Marek’s story: Detailed in his book “Chasing Black Unicorns,” a memoir filled with dangerous events and business challenges
  • Memoir: Describes facing the Polish mafia and becoming an international fugitive due to corrupt enemies in Nigeria
  • Book Details: “Chasing Black Unicorns” published in Poland, English translation available in September 2019
  • Charity: 100% of book income goes to providing laptops and coding lessons to poor students in Nigeria
  • Additional Recommendation: John Perkins shares similar stories of intrigue and adventure.





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What a life Marek Zmyslowski has led at such a young age. What he has been able to accomplish and still does even against all of the corruption in Nigeria.  I can’t wait to read his book, Chasing Black Unicorns coming out in English in September 2019.


About The Host, Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup; the host of The Expat Money Show, has 20+ years in continual travel around the world, visiting more than 100 countries including Colombia, North Korea, Zimbabwe and Iran.

His goal now is to help Expats just like you to generate additional streams of income, eliminate your tax bill, and take advantage of offshore structures so you can travel the world freely and never have to worry about money again.

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