071: Revisiting the Confessions of an Economic Hitman: Yesterday and Today – John Perkins

John Perkins interviewed by Mikkel Thorup on The Expat Money Show

John Perkins was an Economic Hitman. After finishing Business School, he wanted to join the Peace Corp. Around the same time, he had a job interview with the NSA. Their assessment of him was that he would make the perfect Economic Hitman and they encouraged him to join the Peace Corp.



  • The story behind the story
  • Iran Regime Change – the origin
  • Jamie Raldos – Ecuador president assassinated
  • Omar Torrijos – Panama president assassinated
  • Iraq – Saddam Hussein
  • 3 stages – economic hitman – jackals – military
  • Corporatocracy



John Perkins is a founder and board member of Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance, non-profit organizations devoted to establishing a world that future generations will want to inherit.

  • www.JohnPerkins.org
  • Sign up for John’s monthly newsletter. It’s free and he’ll keep you up-to-date with what’s going on in the world.
  • You can also find John Perkins on Twitter and Facebook



If you’d been receiving the EMS Pulse newsletter and the weekly Expat Sunday Times, you would have already read the basics of today’s story! Sign up now, and you’ll also receive my FREE special report, “Plan B Residencies and Instant Citizenships.”



This was truly a fascinating episode with John Perkins. Ultimately, after I read his book ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman‘ I knew I wanted him as a guest on our show. Let me tell you, John was a hard man to pin down, due to the fact that he travels the world speaking to audiences about his experiences in the 1970s and to help people around the globe become more conscientious about the future of our planet. He now lectures about changes we all need to make for the survival of our planet. Please don’t miss this amazing chat with John Perkins.


About The Host, Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup; the host of The Expat Money Show, has 20+ years in continual travel around the world, visiting more than 100 countries including Colombia, North Korea, Zimbabwe and Iran.

His goal now is to help Expats just like you to generate additional streams of income, eliminate your tax bill, and take advantage of offshore structures so you can travel the world freely and never have to worry about money again.

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