036: Perspectives on Mandarin, China, North Korea, and Education Today – Jim Rogers

In this Interview with Jim Rogers, I get updated opinions on everything from North Korea and China to the Mandarin language and the current state of education around the world. Jim Rogers tells me what he is teaching his own children and where he, as an investor, is putting his own money today.
- Episode Focus: Jim Rogers and Mikkel Thorup discuss education, particularly for their children, and what kind will best prepare them for the future.
- Jim’s Book Insight: Moving to China or an Asian country offers children a rigorous education system, unlike in the USA.
- Importance of Education: Education is a recurring topic with many guests, including multimillionaire entrepreneur Jim Cockrum.
- Jim’s Change of Heart: Initially, Jim Rogers did not want children, seeing them as a waste. Now, he believes everyone should have children and regrets not having them earlier.
- Family Decision: After completing a world record trip in 2002, Jim decided to have children, which he claims was the best decision of his life.
- Book for Daughters: His book “A Gift to My Children” was written for his daughters and might inspire others to do something similar.
- Mandarin Importance: Jim believes Mandarin is the second most important language after English. His daughters, fluent in Mandarin, have won national awards in Singapore.
- 1994: Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogers
- 2003: Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip
- 2004: Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World’s Greatest Market
- 2009: A Gift to My Children: A Father’s Lessons For Life and Investing
- 2013: Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets
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Jim Rogers has lived an amazingly wonderful life doing what he loves. Investing, guiding and writing about his adventures. Millions of people have gained a sense of knowledge from Jim and his ability to communicate with the public. Jim has been very influential in my life as both a human being and as an investor. This was a dream interview come true!
[…] Passport. A number of guests on The Expat Money Show have discussed 2nd passports. Listen to Ep 036: Jim Rogers as they discuss living and working in […]