082: Navigating Expat Finances: Pathways to Freedom – Shlomo Freund

Shlomo Freund interviewed by Mikkel Thorup on The Expat Money Show

Shlomo Freund is a serial entrepreneur. His latest company is called Free Financial Self, where he helps expats eliminate money as a source of stress and gain confidence in their future finances. In this episode of The Expat Money Show, we are going to discuss financial freedom for expats.



  • Financial Freedom for Expats: Mikkel Thorup and Shlomo Freund discuss strategies for expats to achieve financial freedom through careful planning.
  • Starting Point (Point A): Define long-term goals, calculate net worth, and understand current financial status.
  • Reaching Goals (Point B): Steps and strategies to achieve financial goals.
  • Investment Concepts:
    • Crowd Investing: Co-investing in businesses online.
    • Equity Crowdfunding: Selling company shares to the public.
    • Peer-to-Peer Lending: Lending money through online platforms.
  • Digital Nomad Comparison: Differences between financial planning for expats and digital nomad lifestyles.
  • Personal Financial Planning: Importance of planning for marriage, family, and retirement.
  • Planning Significance: Necessity of a financial plan to avoid pitfalls and achieve life goals.
  • Free Financial Self: Shlomo Freund’s platform to help entrepreneurs achieve financial freedom.

As promised, from Free Financial Self:  Click Here For Free Net Worth Calculator



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I really got a ton of information from my interview with my good friend Shlomo Freund from Free Financial Self. We talk about how you can achieve financial freedom as an expat and the sooner you start implementing Point A, the faster Point B will happen. When I first started The Expat Money Show, my goal was to help expat entrepreneurs and in this interview, we’re still on track!


About The Host, Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup; the host of The Expat Money Show, has 20+ years in continual travel around the world, visiting more than 100 countries including Colombia, North Korea, Zimbabwe and Iran.

His goal now is to help Expats just like you to generate additional streams of income, eliminate your tax bill, and take advantage of offshore structures so you can travel the world freely and never have to worry about money again.

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