024: Success Simplified: Focus on the Fundamentals – Akbar Sheikh

Akbar Sheikh helps entrepreneurs ethically scale to 7-figures. On The Expat Money Show, Mikkel Thorup and Akbar discuss the importance of mastering fundamentals like health, wellness, diet, sleep, and associations for automatic success. Akbar shares how focusing on these basics transformed him from homeless to a top 1% earner.
Mikkel Thorup & Akbar Sheikh at FHL 2018 in Orlando, FL.
The romantic notion of an entrepreneur working 24 hours a day 7 days a week, never sleeping, and hustle-hustle-grind-grind around the clock is not a sustainable approach. Akbar Sheikh recommends balance and he has some very strong opinions on how to get it. Make sure to listen to the complete episode to learn how these seemingly basic fundamentals can propel you and your business forward.
In this interview Akbar Sheikh also shares some of his secrets on how he helps businesses to scale to 7 figures fast, using what he calls the 7 ethical principles of persuasion. He uses these principles to walk into an existing business and “fixes things up”. He uses a great analogy of a house and how with the right modifications you too can scale your business to 7 figures.
- You can learn more about Akbar Sheikh at https://akbarsheikh.com
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I enjoyed this conversation with Akbar Sheikh immensely and was fortunate to pry him away from his work while he was in Sydney, Australia, for a project. Akbar Sheikh is obviously a sought-after coach and consultant, and his time is very valuable. I hope that you take advantage of this interview and write down some killer notes on things you can modify in your own life to make success automatic for you, too.