070: Losing Your Passport for Tax Issues: A Warning to U.S. Citizens – Maurice Glazer

Maurice Glazer is the CEO and founder of Glazer Financial Network who started out as a bookkeeper at the age of 17. He has preceded to work in financial services for more than 6 decades (let that sink in for a moment).
- Maurice Glazer: Began in the tax game at age 7; family of entrepreneurs emphasized the need for a bookkeeper; tax laws have become more complex; importance of having a tax expert for compliance
- Plan to Plan: Maurice’s rule for success; Glazer Financial Network’s growth strategy over 6 decades; stories of helping companies and individuals with tax compliance and offshore voluntary disclosure
- Offshore Voluntary Disclosure: Program for taxpayers with potential criminal liability or civil penalties for not reporting foreign financial assets; provides protection from criminal liability and terms for resolving civil tax and penalties; importance of understanding tax compliance for foreign assets
- Expat Tax Experts: Created by Maurice Glazer and Glazer Financial Network for American expats; advantages include over 50 years of experience, income tax preparation, personalized service, FBAR and FATCA filing
- Importance for American Citizens Overseas: Emphasis on ensuring tax compliance; recommended for those unsure of their tax status
- Website: http://www.GazerFinancial.com
- Or: www.ExpatTaxExpert.net
- Email Address: Mglazer@glazerfinancial.com
- Office: 972-385-0007
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Such an informative episode with Maurice Glazer. I tell my audience on an ongoing basis how important being tax complaint is and what can happen when you do not follow the rules. I’ve always led my personal and business life being compliant and doing things the right way. When I have important documents I trust my lawyer to look over the paperwork to make sure I am not signing something I shouldn’t. And when it comes to tax laws and preparation, I call on my ever-so-important tax accountant. They always save me money, so why in the world would I ever try to go it alone.