Conceive, Believe, Achieve: Making Your Business Dream a Reality

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The nature of work as we know it is being radically redefined. As cloud software applications, and smart algorithms begin to automate many functional activities across a variety of industries, even highly-skilled employees are being forced to ask: “Will I even have a job in the next five years?” The truth is that many of…

How to Make Friends and Influence People on LinkedIn

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When Microsoft first announced its $26 billion acquisition of LinkedIn last year, the news was met with some consternation amongst marketing circles. While the business-first social network did boast a respectable user base of around 500 million people, and solid (if unspectacular) year-on-year earnings growth; the platform had always seemed to struggle with capturing mass…

Revolutionize Your Customer Engagement Strategies with Influencer Marketing

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The times are changing for traditional media, and as technology advances those changes seem to be coming more rapidly by the day. In another year of steady defeats for mainstream media, 2017 saw digital ad sales surpass television advertising for the first time ever, with magazine advertisement spending falling by a further 16%.  Throughout the…