139: Land-Banking: Strategies for Investing in Raw Land – Brad Warren

Today’s guest on the Expat Money Show is Brad Warren. Brad helps investors purchase risk mitigated, pre-developed land in high-growth areas. He then assists them with selling their parcels to developers who consolidate that land into larger parcels to build housing, a shopping center, a solar farm, etc.
- How land banking actually works, from one of the #1 sellers in Southern California. He’ll explain the fine details so you can understand it, even if you know nothing about buying vacant land out in the middle of nowhere.
- The #1 top way to buy land and make a huge profit in 10 years or less, with as little as $25 K
- How to truly tailor a generational and legacy wealth system from anywhere in the world. One where you can set it and forget it
- Why it’s essentially impossible to fail with land banking
- How to be patient and mitigate risk
- Top 3 ways to not have to dip into your own pockets to buy land and still make amazing returns.
- 12 different ways you can invest
- Global as possible – use these strategies to buy land anywhere in the world.
- 10 growth factors: some are simple- following the money, applicable to anywhere in the world.
- A sneak peek into land banking, and how very lucrative it can be when done properly.
- What happens when you have a research and acquisition department of 8-10 people all working for you, to ensure you come out on top
- How you can achieve this outcome living somewhere other than in Southern California. What are the prerequisites? What do you need to know before anything else?
- 125: Overcoming Fear Through Travel – Mike Corey
- 124: One Euro Homes In Italy And How You Can Purchase Them Today – Karl Pierre
- 099: How To Buy A European Passport – Laszlo Kiss
- The best way to reach Brad is by simply emailing him at: brad@bradwarren.com
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Truthfully, I really had no idea that land banking was a ‘thing’. However, over the past few months, I’ve had a ton of people reach out to me asking about buying large parcels of land throughout the world. So I looked for the best person I could find on the subject, and voila, I found Brad Warren. He is truly an expert in the field and the company he works for comes highly recommended. This is an episode, where if you want to diversify, and especially with real estate, that you need to listen in.
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