037: Finding and Landing Your Dream Job Abroad – Zak Slayback

In this Interview with Zak Slayback, we discuss how important being coachable is and how it’s not so much about what he can add to your business structure but rather what he can take away so that you land your dream job while teaching you the proper skills of writing the perfect email and how to create your attractive character.
- Zak Slayback discusses steps to find your desired job and write effective emails.
- Tips to ensure emails reach the right person and are read.
- Mastering these skills increases hiring chances.
- Zak, a career expert, details who he works with.
- Emphasizes not doing “life coach stuff,” focusing on communication, sales, and career expertise.
- The Trust Factor.
- Attractive Character.
- Call to Action (CTA).
- Incentive Map.
- The Big 5 Copywriting voices.
- Many guests, including Zak, discuss education.
- Critique of the traditional education system.
- Zak teaches practical career skills not covered in school.
- Zak explains ethical and moral shortcuts to success.
- Methods to help ambitious individuals advance their careers.
- ‘How to Get Ahead‘ will be out early next year. If you’ve ever written your own book, you know how much hard work and effort is necessary to build a really successful, worth-reading book. I believe that Zak has the tenacity and grit to create such a product.
- Website: https://zakslayback.com/
- www.bestemailscripts.com
- Instagram: @zslayback
- Email: zslayback@gmail.com
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I thoroughly enjoyed my interview with Zak Slayback. He addresses where things go wrong early, right from the time you email a prospect, and works with you all the way through so that you can land that dream job you’ve always wanted. Over the years, I’ve had discussions with people who don’t know what to do with their lives and didn’t learn it in high school or college. Zak walks people through finding what they are passionate about and working through all the obstacles that most people deal with. In the end, you have a job you love!
Wow I never stop learning with this show. Thanks!
[…] Thorup discuss this hot topic. Many of our past guests discuss this same topic, listen in to Ep 37: Zak Slayback or to Ep 43: Sam McRoberts who currently owns and operates his business as an expat and world […]