195: Uruguay Exposed: From Taxes to Lifestyle – What I Found Out

Today on the Expat Money Show, I’m going to do a solo episode on Uruguay and my recent trip there. We will discuss what I went through, the experience, and what I learned while there.
- If you are already a private client, you will love this episode! And if you are not, listen in to hear how you can become a private client, be a part of our amazing community and possibly join us on our tours around the world.
- Why Uruguay? Where did this come from, and why did I decide to go down there? I’ll tell you all about it in detail!
- I talk about what you need to do to immigrate to Uruguay and why it is different from most other countries.
- What happens when you want to bring your children with you, are you allowed to just walk right in?
- The #1 thing about Uruguay I didn’t like, which won’t likely come as a big surprise for most of you and what I would do to combat this nasty aspect to be able to live there.
- What Americans must do to live in Uruguay, and if you don’t follow the rules, you will be denied entry.
- Find out the top 3 ways to get citizenship in Uruguay, the easy and quickest ways.
- I dig deeper into Uruguay’s citizenship and passport and the most important things you MUST do to obtain it, and if you don’t, chances are likely you will get rejected.
- If you are thinking about having children or adding additional children to your family, I talked to the lawyers about birth tourism. Is this possible?
- How to be a tax resident in Uruguay? What is the easiest way to accomplish this?
- Find out about cryptocurrency and the tax laws. I think you will like this part.
- Interested in obtaining a firearm while living in Uruguay? I list all the details required to make this happen for you.
187: How To 3D Print Firearms Anywhere In The World – Sean Aranda
178: Ninety-Four Things I Do To Set Myself Up For Success – With Mikkel Thorup
This was a fun interview for me. If you want to come on our Expat Exploration & Investment Tour Uruguay that I’m putting together for October, make sure you go to www.expatmoney.com. In the right-hand corner, go to Work With Me. There, you’ll find a letter. Read it, and if it sounds like something you want to do, then fill out the application, and maybe you will get a chance to join me in Uruguay.