310: Expat News: Why The Wealthy Are Leaving The US, Dominica Revokes Passports & 90% Income Tax Coming To France?
Why are the wealthy leaving the U.S. in droves? Why did the country of Dominica revoke 68 passports from its’ CBI program? Are Russia and China preparing for a World War 3 scenario? Is there really a serious proposal for a 90% income tax in France? I’ll answer these questions and more as we dive…
Listen to Episode293: What’s It Like To Work With Expat Money?
What’s it really like to work with me? That’s exactly what my colleague Marc Clair asked several of my clients and partners last month during my 41st birthday bash in Panama. This came at the tail end of our Panama Expat Exploration & Investment Tour, where I spent the week helping clients craft their own…
Listen to Episode288: Update: Why I Don’t Take My Foot Off The Gas
Today, I’m going to provide an update on everything that’s been going on over the past few weeks. It culminated with my birthday party here in Panama, which saw over 200 like-minded people come together for an incredible celebration. Prior to that, we had a week-long investors tour in Panama, which began just as I…
Listen to Episode285: Part 2 Building Wealth In Paraguay’s 2024 Real Estate Boom – Q&A
This is the second part of the presentation I put together with my friend Fernando about the incredible, under-the-radar opportunities for real estate investment in Paraguay. I met Fernando when I travelled to Paraguay last year to explore the country, and we became not only fast friends but also business partners. I was thrilled to…
Listen to Episode284: Part 1 Building Wealth In Paraguay’s 2024 Real Estate Boom – Presentation
This is a replay of a webinar I hosted about the incredible investment opportunities in Paraguay I uncovered on my recent trip to that off-the-radar South American country. I invited my friend Fernando to explain why Paraguay’s real estate market is such an exciting prospect in 2024 and how you can capitalize on those opportunities…
Listen to Episode276: Mikkel’s Travel Chronicles – Unforgettable Adventures
This past year has been full of great opportunities to visit a bunch of new countries. Longtime listeners know how much I love travelling and exploring the world, so I thought we would give you a bit of a highlight reel of some of the places that I got to see and some of the…
Listen to Episode